Here go's with the usual, i've been so busy etc. To put a long story into short mode, here is what I have been up to over the past few months, forgetting to blog!
In January we celebrated Emily's 22nd birthday, yep one year older and counting. We popped open some wine and hit our favourite restaurant for some din din. Twas lovely, as most of our dates are.
Erin, Emily and myself decided we would start a tradition of weekly dates to catch up, gossip and put ourselves out there for potentials all over the town, this tradition didn't last long as Erin packed up and shipped off to the Sunshine Coast, nevertheless it was a good one-off, ha!
In February, I gathered some clothes, primarily swimmers, and headed for SC to visit Erin. It was lovely to hit the doggy beach where my fave boy Coopie could come and wine and dine together at her humble abode. It was lovely to have some girly time with a beautiful friend.
February also marked the long awaited visit from my Mummy. Mum and Grandma hit the road, Brisbane bound, to set up camp at my place for a week. Their trip consisted of a brief layover at Hervey Bay which I must say was just what we all needed. The beach, the food and the odd ice-cream was a superb way to spend a weekend with my nearest and dearest. We then made our way to our final destination, Brisbane, with a quick stop to buy a puppy! Welcoming to the family, Hervey. My Grandma recently lost her beautiful puppy, Triska, and it was nice to see her smiling again. It was beyond wonderful to have mum waiting with a home cooked meal every evening I came home from work. I wish I was back at home with her every minute of every day and the time I have with my family I cherish.
Last but not least was the dreaded Valentines day. I work with some amazing people and fortunately this year I was more then happy with the overwhelming supply of gifts and chocolate I received. So, who needs a man!
Life is hectic at the moment but again, i'll try promise to stay on top of things!
I miss you. Blog more!