Wednesday, 23 November 2011


November has been a busy month not only for myself but for my family too. I have been attending copious amounts of interviews in which I gained the best job I could ever ask for working for the company that makes the machinery my dad drools over, so that was quite the accomplishment my family had been longing from me and I can say my dad is proud as punch! 

My sister turned 17 at the start of November and is now franticly gaining some driving hours to officially have her license, which we are all waiting patiently for especially mum the taxi! 

But the biggest event of November is my sisters graduation. Now to me formal was a pretty big deal, the hair, the makeup and especially the dress but come my sisters turn I felt like she was getting married! Janita attended a private catholic school which came with a few downfalls including 3 hours of church to conclude their schooling which the family attended! It was an emotional day bringing back so many memories of my formal day and the conclusion of school and the tear jerking speeches a selected few students gave didn't help! 

Janita headed to the hairdresser while I lingered around home with dad waiting for her return. I did her makeup and finished the final touches to her dress and the final product was as perfect as a princess. My beautiful baby sister looked a million dollars on her special day and she deserved every moment. We hired a photographer to capture these moments so we headed to a beautiful area where we got some shots taken of the family and Janita with her partner. 

We then went and watched the rest of her graduating class walk the red carpet in awe of the beautiful gowns the young girls had chosen. It was such a beautiful day for Janita and bought back so many memories for me although there are a lot of factors I would change now, it was still a perfect day for me too 5 years ago. 

I'm so proud of my gorgeous sister and I hope all her wishes come true x

1 comment:

  1. How funny both our sisters had formals in Nov!! She looked lovely!! x




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