Sunday, 4 September 2011


Well, in just over a week I will be grabbing my bags and hitting the road Contiki style! I will be travelling the glorious wonders of Europe and I truly cannot wait! 

Unfortunately, before the good there must be bad and that is the end of semester. With project after project and drafting after drafting the end of semester brings a lot of due dates which is beyond painful. However in between the college, work and more work I got the time to visit my family at the Sunshine Coast even if it was for such a short time it is always such a pleasure. 

Mum, Janis and I popped out for an early morning stroll to the markets later followed by an evening of fish and chips. Was just beautiful seeing them and always so painful to leave. I also managed to find a camera (I struggle to find one I like) which will be attached to my belt during my big adventure! I spent a good fortune and a lot of flirtation to get some freebies thrown in but here's hoping this one does the job! 

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